Book 14: Daniel Light and the Lord of Renewal

BOOK Fourteen

Daniel Light, and the Lord of Renewal

Light and Dark. How different are they when they have the same beginnings?
Where did it all begin? Where does it all end?

This is the final battle and the story of what leads up to it. The Realms have been divided into camps, behind Daniel, the High King of the Realms and behind Elias, the King of the Outer Reaches. Former friends are now enemies. Realm against Realm, Brother versus brother, and outside influences, long felt but seldom seen, try to shift the tide as the Miracle of Mirador and his former best friend and brother, compete to destroy what the other now stands for. The Dark sits and watches and intervenes only to influence the outcome against Daniel and the Light. The scales are weighing heavily against the Light. Elias seems near victory when the Miracle of Mirador… Well, that would be giving it away wouldn’t it? Or would it?