Dancing On Daddy’s Shoes

When World War I disrupts the life of a young American girl, sent to boarding school so her father can fight in Europe as a U.S. soldier, she grapples with isolation and uncertainty, struggling to chart her own path forward.


Will Kate Williams break free from the suffocating grip of personal victimhood that World War I has forced upon her; will she remain shackled by the scars of a war she wants nothing to do with?

Book by Coni Koepfinger

Music by C. Michael Perry

Lyrics by C. Michael Perry, Coni Koepfinger, and Sheila Rinear

Based on the play “Dancing On Daddy’s Shoes” by Sheila Rinear


© 2017  by  C. Michael Perry & Sheila Rinear

© 2024 by C. Michael Perry and Coni Koepfinger

Life was the fantasy
Every little girl requires:
Pretty dresses and dances —
Just simple desires.
I followed every motion,
Like sailing on the ocean.
I felt it in my heart
The first moment I started
Dancing On Daddy’s Shoes.

Dance after dance
I was twirling all around the room
With an effortless grace, like a flower in bloom.
The faces flying by me,
While wondering just “why me?”
It’s silly to recall
I just seemed to be always
Dancing On Daddy’s Shoes

The world seemed to vanish while dancing.
New places were all so entrancing.
Every new dance was a chance for a kind of romance.

Funny how moments
Can turn the world right upside down.
And how time can erase
All the smiles with one frown.
With voices so confusing,
My vision kept refusing
The ending of the song;
Told me I was no longer
Dancing On Daddy’s Shoes.


MUSICAL IN PROCESS — Contact email if interested