Impressions on Plates of Gold • A Book of Mormon Musical Experience!

Script and Lyrics by Eric Samuelsen

Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry

The power and purpose of the Book of Mormon come to the forefront in this unique celebration of its message, interpreted by “likening the Scriptures” for modern audiences. We become part of some of the greatest stories and moments in the Book of Mormon. We come to understand both our Earthly Purpose and our Divine Nature and how they work together, through our personal involvement. Mormon, Moroni, Nephi, Captain Moroni, Amulek, Lamoni’s Wife, The Stripling Warriors and their Mothers and many more provide us with examples of Faith — it is not perfect, not without momentary doubt — but that Faith is perfecting and able to empower each Human soul, impelling them towards their God and Creator.

SONG SAMPLES: made with the Finale Music Notation software

A Premiére Play File with Zion Theatricals