If you are interested in them, e-mail Eldridge at: [email protected]. It might get them moved up the list.
(When Eldridge bought Encore from me in 2008 we had 350 titles. It has been a huge job for them to integrate that many titles into their catalog.)
Anne With An ‘e’: The Green Gables Musical (with Neil K. Newell) Main roles for 4 m, 8 w, 3 g also numerous children and adults as extras. “Anne of Green Gables,” by L. M. Montgomery, is an enduring story of innocence, joy, and the true meaning of love that has delighted and inspired readers for nearly a century. Now this heartwarming story of the irrepressible Anne Shirley is impressively adapted to the stage and has inspired a musical score that will knock your socks off! The story begins as Anne arrives at Green Gables and follows her through mishaps and adventures, through Matthew’s death and her reconciliation with Gilbert, and finally to her determination to stay at Green Gables and help Marilla while pursuing her education. There are 20 songs including “Breath of Air!” “Bosom Friends” “The Lady of Shallot” “The Perfect Man,” and “Bend in the Road.” This charming, faithful adaptation appeals to those of every generation. View it or buy it from ELDRIDGE NOTE: Orchestrations are available for this title with the following instrumentation: Flute/Piccolo, Clarinet(2), Bass Clarinet, Trumpet(3), Trombone, French Horn, Percussion, Violin(2), Viola, Cello, Bass. Contact the Publisher and ask for them.
COMMENTS FROM THE SMITH FALLS ONTARIO PRODUCTION — “The production was a roaring success – we basically sold out every show! Thanks, wonderful script and score that will live on in our collective memories for years to come!!” Lydia D., Director, Smiths Falls, Ontario.
COMMENTS FROM THE BOONE COMMUNITY THEATRE PRODUCTION — “…this heartwarming story of the irrepressible Anne Shirley is impressively adapted to the stage and has inspired a musical score that will knock your socks off!” — Boone Community Theatre, Boone, Iowa – September 2018
Photo from the production at Ariel Theatrical, Salinas California:

Anne With An ‘e’ by Spanish Fork Community Theatre, 1997
Anne With an ‘e’ by Boone Community Theatre, 2018
The Apple Kingdom (with Carol Lynn Pearson) 4 m, 4 w, 1 boy, 1 girl + villagers. 1 exterior. About 75 minutes. The people in the Apple Kingdom live on apples: apple soup, apple salad and, of course, apple pies. Jonathan and Blossom are two fun-loving but not so innocent twins and on their birthday they play a trick on the townspeople that backfires. They say that an “Applephoon” is coming that will destroy all of the apples in the kingdom’s orchards. The villagers, all being selfish, immediately run to the orchards and begin picking all the apples and carrying them home by the buckets full. After all the apples are picked, the villagers find that they are stricken with a strange case of “appleplexy” and their arms won’t bend at the elbows. They soon realize they will never eat apples again. The solution to the problem is very simple, if they would only stop being so selfish! Some songs include: “Not Enough Love,” “Every Man for Himself,” “Scientific Science,” “There’s Nothing a Machine Can’t Do!” and “Feed Someone.” View it or Buy it from ELDRIDGE NOTE: Orchestrations are available for this title with the following instrumentation: Flute, Oboe(2), Clarinet(2), Bassoon, Trumpet(3), Trombone(2), Percussion, Bass, and Piano. Contact the Publisher and ask for them.
A Christmas Memory (with Jason Anderson and students of Pleasant Grove High School) 4 m, 5 w, 1 teen boy, 1 teen girl, 1 boy, 6 girls
Performance time about 1 hour. It is Christmas time. The Rasmussen family is gathering at Grandma’s country home for the holidays. Everyone will be there – except Grandpa, who died recently. All are concerned for Grandma in her first Christmas without Grandpa, but Danni McKenna, a sort of step-granddaughter, may be the solution. Danni is now living with her stepmom, Samantha, who is Grandma’s daughter. Danni has problems. She doesn’t want to fit in or maybe she’s decided that she can’t fit in. She feels unloved and unwanted. By solving Danni’s problems Grandma eases the loss of her beloved husband by centering her attention on Danni. Through the memories of Christmases past, the family comes closer together, eases the loss of Grandpa for all and shows Danni that they accept her for who she is. For the first time in a long time Danni feels wanted and loved. Some songs include “Christmas Is,” “Christmas Through the Years,” and “Just Once.” View it or Buy it from ELDRIDGE
A Christmas Memory Original Cast Album is available at Leicester Bay Theatricals. NOTE: Combo Arrangements are available for this title with the following instrumentation: Mallets (Xylophone & Vibes), Drums, Bass, Synthesizer and Piano. Contact the Publisher and ask for them.
Cinderabbit (with Mimi Bean) 8 m, 8 w, numerous flexible roles. A wonderful musical adapted from the classic Cinderella story with animal characters. Prince Richard–the Rabbit-Hearted and Princess Tabitha of the Blue Mountain Grove are the center of this adaptation. It seems that when the Grove burned down years ago, Tabitha’s parents left her on the doorsteps of the Bugmerks, a family of toads on the edge of a swamp. Life is only bearable for her by her close friend and confidant, Mercedes, a mouse. When the night of the ball comes, the Bugmerks leave poor Cinderabbit behind. And who appears? Gracie–Cinderabbit’s Jewish Fairy Pig-Mother, who sends Tabitha off to the ball. NOTE: Full orchestrations are available for this title consisting of the Following parts: Flutes, Clarinets, Oboes, Bassoons, Trumpets, Trombones, Tuba, Tenor & Alto Saxophones, Vibes, Xylophone, Guitar, Harp, Drums, Pianos, Violins, Viola, Cello, Bass. So is a performance CD. Contact Eldridge. View it or Buy it from ELDRIDGE
The Original TV Cast Album is available from Leicester Bay Theatricals.
The DVD of the original PBS Television productions is also available from Leicester Bay Theatricals.
Cinderabbit! (1st page) (2nd page) by KBYU Television (1978) and Spanish Fork Children’s Theatre (1992)
Curses, Foiled Again! (with James G. Lambert) 6 m, 5 w, extras, doubling possible. Script: 42 pages. About an hour. Papa Praiseworthy has mortgaged the family farm to have money to pay for the long-needed operation to cure Mama and create a trousseau for sweet Polly’s marriage to our hero, Jedediah Justice, of Justice Junction. Little does the family know when they stop to help an ill traveler on the road, the man is the evil brother of the villain, Delvin Dastardly. The Dastardly brothers frame Papa and get him thrown onto a chain gang. Now Polly will have to bring in the harvest with only the aid of her brother Penrose and sister Penny. Too proud to do less, Polly woefully turns Jedediah away, breaking their engagement. Can our hero reunite Polly’s parents and, more importantly, save sweet Polly from a loveless marriage to Delvin? A rollicking score includes “I Get What I Want!”; “A Maiden’s Prayer”; “One Potato and a Bean,” and others. View it or buy it from ELDRIDGE
Curses, Foiled Again! At Jedediah’s Outdoor Chuckwagon and Show (Summer of 1982) and Spanish Fork High School 1993
Fairy Tales and Fables (with Vern Adix) by Vern Adix Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry. Thirteen stories told in skit and pantomime that will delight any audience. It can be any length up to 40 minutes and have as large a cast as desired. Also a wonderful set of exercises for Creative Dramatics. It comes with an opening song by yours truly. COMING SOON AT ELDRIDGE.
The Miracle of Mirador (now titled: Snow White: The Miracle of Mirador) Book, Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry. 8M 4F 7either. Unit Set or several simple settings. About 90 minutes. Swords, Sorcerers, Dwarves, Princes, Witches — all of the things that make theatre fun! You will find them in this retelling of the Snow White story. It is a mythical time. It is a story of good and evil but not like you have ever heard before. This musical was premiered by FOREST CITY REGIONAL DRAMA CLUB, Forest City, PA on April 8, 2016. It’s the same basic story, and was the basis for my YA Fantasy Adventure Novel THE MIRACLE OF MIRADOR — except that the novel invented the character of Daniel Light, who does not appear in the musical.) View it or Buy it from ELDRIDGE
Onstage (with Nancy Zelenak) 6 m, 10 w, 2 flexible. Script: 76 pages. About 2 hours. Sixteen students have been invited to a week-long audition for a summer production at the Professional Actors School of Theatre and they are vying for the top eight leads. Working under the take-no-prisoners stage manager, we see the students in private moments of triumph and disaster as they learn lines, songs and dance routines. Penny misses her deceased father who used to encourage her so much; Jake is frantic because his assigned reading requires him to cry; and Melanie may have to go back home to help with the family finances. The exuberance and determination these talented wannabes bring to the stage is inspiring. Some 20 songs including such titles as “Rehearsing!” “Visions of Broadway,” Showtime,” and “Easy for You.” Easy setting, either a stage or a rehearsal room, and no special costumes, only rehearsal clothes, are recommended. There is plenty of opportunity for splashy dance numbers but it all can be tailored to the needs of the individual producing group. NOTE: There are full orchestrations for this title consisting of the following parts: Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion, Drums, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass plus Piano. Contact the publisher. View it or Buy it from ELDRIDGE
Rumpelstiltskin (with Mimi Bean) 3 m, 3 w, 3 flexible, and chorus. Space Setting. Script: 60 pages. About 90 minutes. “Rumpelstiltskin, A Medieval Musical Fairy Tale” takes place during a May Festival, somewhere centuries ago. two traveling minstrels visit a small community where, with the help of the townspeople, they stage a production of the strange tale of a small man who steals children and sells them — Rumpelstiltskin. It just so happens that they cast a real evil magician in the title role. Music, romance and magic weave together as the townspeople unite to outwit the man who sells children, both in the imaginary tale and in real life. We invite you to join with us and celebrate our May Festival any time. Approximately 90 minutes. “Enchanting and whimsical” — The Provo Daily Herald
DEMO SONGS made from the Finale Music Notation files with an instrument playing the melody
View it or Buy it from ELDRIDGE
As You Like It — View it or Buy it from Eldridge
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark — View it or Buy it from Eldridge
The Tempest — View it or Buy it from Eldridge