The Children of the Orb SERIES (



Youth, in a world and a time that are faraway, learn how to fulfill the demands of the prophecy that are placed on their shoulders. It is a time and place of dragons and magic and other creatures beyond our ken — upon which the Darkness is constantly encroaching.
From Creation to Renewal this is the story of a planet. Not our planet, but it could be. From first to last it is a journey of duties, of wants, of needs; and of a doubt – that reluctance that takes each of us from the carefree levels of our childhood through adolescence to adulthood. A journey that includes the discoveries and sacrifices each of us must make as we seek to return to that place from whence we came having learned, in whole or in part, what we were sent here to learn.
These stories combine the need for the fairytales of our childhood with the thirst for knowledge and adventure that is possessed by the adolescent. These needs we never seem to outgrow, even as adults.
Youth and adult alike can and should be empowered with the desire and ability to make correct decisions in their lives; ones that will lead each of us to good, honest, valuable lives in adulthood. The youths of these stories, through the careful guidance of their mentoring adults, variously achieve or fail to reach such empowerment for whatever reason — internal or external.
The Light inside each of us needs be recognized for what it is; POWER. It should be encouraged and kindled to full flame to help deflect and defeat the Dark that surrounds us.
Daniel, the Miracle of Mirador, is at the beginning, the center, and  the ending — he is the leader — of our journey. “And a little child shall lead them.”

Additional Material:

About Children of the Orb

Designs, histories, drawings, genealogies


The Prophetic Cycle:

BOOK 1-Daniel Light and The Miracle of Mirador  (What if it took the loss of everything you loved for you to become whom you were meant to be?) (PUBLISHED) Purchase from Leicester Bay Books

BOOK 2- Daniel Light and The Blood Rose of Panador (What if the one who would be the greatest aid to you was someone you didn’t even know?) (PUBLISHED) Purchase from Leicester Bay Books

BOOK 3:  – Daniel Light and The Circle Of Light (What if the enemy within turned out to be even more dangerous than the enemy without?) 

BOOK 4: Daniel Light and The Child of Promise (What would you be willing to do to serve those you love?) 

The Revelation Trilogy:

BOOK 5-Daniel Light and The Exile of Aradon (What if the person you came to care for most was the only one who stood between you and what you wanted most?) (PUBLISHED) (Order from Leicester Bay Books)

BOOK 6-Daniel Light and The Children of the Flaming Sword (What if you could control time? What if you only thought you could control time?)

BOOK 7-Daniel Light and the Prince or the Pretender (What if your worst enemy turned out to be your brother?)

The Fulfillment Trilogy:

BOOK 8-Daniel Light and The Brotherhood of the Burning Branch (What if even the Creators had not predicted correctly?)

BOOK 9-Daniel Light and The Two-Fold Twins of the Crystal Orb (What if you weren’t as grown up as you thought you were?)

BOOK 10- Daniel Light and the Golden Sceptre of Aydriel (Where does courage truly lie?)

The Dark Trilogy:

BOOK 11-Daniel Light and the Dark Prince of Zanadon (What is our true nature?)

BOOK 12-Daniel Light and The Contest of the Kings (Do our origins determine what we do and whom we become?)

BOOK 13-Daniel Light and The Tryst in Tyme (Is faithfulness, or even Faith, valuable to us?)

The Book of Light:

BOOK 14-Daniel Light, Lord of Renewal (How did it all begin? Where does it all end?)

Finishing It Up:

BOOK 15-Histories of the Orb (The rest of the story) (A storybook containing [among other titles:] Miraden and the War of the Enchanters, The Birth of the Kings of the Crystal Orb, The Skwatwaela, Castal — The Boy Who Could Talk To The Sea,  The Family and the Rostok, William of Waterside, The People of the Plains, Axengard: First Dwarf, Salah Tas: Land of the Elves, Dal and the Rise of the Dark)