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ABOUT THE SERIES: A long time ago on a planet far away there lived The Race of Enchanters, beings of Light. As is ever the situation when Light is present, so, also, is Darkness. These Dark Sorcerors, close kin to the Enchanters, seek to influence and destroy all that had been protected and created by the Light. Other magical beings and creatures inhabit these realms and are torn and divided by this constant battle between Light and Dark; events and prophecies are ignored by the Light, The Dark, and the neutral; allegiances change and shift; power over all being the end result, for some. Then comes word of The Prophecy of Light: a being to come in the median of time to lead the Forces of Light to victory. Thus the stage is set for Daniel Light and the Children of the Orb.
Book One
Daniel Light and the Miracle of Mirador
A Journey of Magic and Mystery Through the Realms of the Crystal Orb
What if it took the loss of everything you loved for you to become whom you were meant to be?
ABOUT THE BOOK: The Prophecy is found by Miraden, the Enchanter of Light, quite by accident, and yet right on schedule, while his Dark brother, Tophet, is still searching and grasping to gain influence and control over The Realms of the Crystal Orb. But the Prophecy is protected, for now; allowed to grow and learn of his true identity — his destiny — so that he can join forces with the Light in order to eradicate the Dark. Daniel, a young boy of promise, holds the keys to The Prophecy and through great personal effort and sacrifice, becomes The Miracle of Mirador.
- 5″ x 8″ (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
- Black & White on Cream paper
- 252 pages
- BISAC: Fiction / Fantasy / Epic
- List Price: $12.95
- To purchase with your credit card through PayPal for the special INTERNET PRICE of $12.95 + (S&H) + Maine Sales Tax (Please be sure to enter your ZIPCODE in the box provided to activate the shipping charge.)
- (CLICK HERE to buy the KINDLE version from Amazon for $6.99.[ASIN: B0068XR3DK])
Book Two
Daniel Light and the Blood Rose Of Panador
A Journey of Magic and Mystery Through the Realms of the Crystal Orb
by C. Michael Perry (What if the one who would be the greatest aid to you was someone you didn’t even know?) ABOUT THE BOOK: A battle won in a war that only continues. Yet, the quiet that follows the monumental battle of The Miracle of Mirador, is but a ruse. The Dark is still working, as it always will, in shadows, in secret, even in isolation, to bring to pass its bloody purpose — annihilation of the Light. Daniel, The Miracle of Mirador, is again instrumental in the plan to defeat the Dark, but he is also their principal target. As he grows and learns and comes into his powers, those that aid him will soon prosper. Those who oppose him will not. Adventure and intrigue continue to build as Daniel leads his people — this boy prophet, their protector, their guardian — in sometimes fearsome might and with uncanny perception as he battles the powers of Darkness that threaten to engulf them all.
- LIST PRICE: $13.95
- 5″ x 8″ (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
- Black & White on Creme paper
- 288 pages
- ISBN-13: 978-0615694702
- ISBN-10: 0615694705
- BISAC CODE: Fiction / Fantasy / Epic
- Buy the Internet Special through PayPal ($12.95 + $3.99 s&h + Maine sales tax of 5.5%) Click on the Add To Cart button below: (Be sure to enter your zipcode in the box provided to enable and calculate the shipping)
- Available — the KINDLE edition for $6.99 CLICK HERE
Book Five
Daniel Light and the Exile of Aradon
A Journey of Magic and Mystery Through the Realms of the Crystal Orb
What if the person you came to care for most was the only one who stood between you and what you wanted most?
The conquest for the eradication of the Dark has been taken up by the second generation. Daniel’s children, and the children of his associates are now embroiled in the great quest to rid the Realms of the Darkness. Daniel’s eighteen-year-old daughter, Caelith, is on a quest: to distance herself from the ways of her father. On this quest she meets an outcast, a slightly younger man near her own age, who is magically prevented from going home. Together they form a union and Caelith is slowly turned back to the life, and politics and cause of her father, Daniel Gregoryson: The Prophecy. And also to securing the return of her companion, Evermon, to his homeland. But not before she is called upon to endure the trials that the Dark has in store for her friend and herself. A Kingdom in peril would fall to the youngest of three brothers, as the older Princes are off on quests of their own. The new Queen, the King’s second wife, has other plans; promoting the rise of her own, foreign-born son to the Kingship. Unknown to the Queen, the Queen she replaced is being sought for secretly; as is the true identity of the new Queen. There is something not quite right about her. The Princess of Mirador, Daniel’s daughter, self-exiled, seeks freedom from her impending royal responsibilities – for she is to be Queen there. Will it be exile for one Prince of Aradon, or will all three face replacement and banishment by an insanely jealous Queen?
- LIST PRICE: $13.95
- 5″ x 8″ (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
- Black & White on Cream paper
- 210 pages
- Leicester Bay Books
- ISBN-13: 978-0692930915
- ISBN-10: 0692930914
- BISAC: Fiction / Fantasy / Epic
- BISAC: Adventure / Coming of Age
- File Size: 438 KB
- Publisher: Leicester Bay Books; 1 edition (August 24, 2017)
- Publication Date: August 24, 2017
- ASIN: B0754LXZC8
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- Available — the KINDLE edition for $6.99 HERE (Amazon # B0754LXZC8)
Isn’t adolescence difficult enough to navigate through without being taken to other realities at the drop of an uncontrollable thought — yours or someone else’s…or on someone else’s whim?
The three books in this series are about that time of uncomfortability: Adolescence. How can anyone really be comfortable during adolescence? That time of feeling awkward and out of place comes to all of us. What are the most embarrassing, unnerving and difficult things for a teen to face? Everything that Wembley faces! Wembley Tewkes is abnormal in his relatively comfortable life as a confident adolescent, but his world is about to be shaken back down to normal. All of the ‘normal’ things that happen during this time to make anyone uncomfortable will be exaggerated and compounded by the freaky, eerie, unsettling and just plain weird experiences that Wembley will go through. Every effort will be made, by whatever unseen or ancient powers, to take Wembley out of his norm — his comfort zone — in fantastic ways. For what Wembley has to do, what he is destined to do, will be the most un-normal and uncomfortable thing of all: he will become his own forebear. There will be over 50 generations between his present day life in the 21st Century and his beginning of his own line of descendency in AD525.
Magic, time-travel, runes and scrolls, prophecies and predictions, swords, sorcery, love and deception will haunt the life of Wembley Tewkes as he is exposed to his hidden destiny, and is compelled to enter into it and live it to the best of his abilities. He has an unrevealed mission to fulfill; a destiny to align himself with in order to become the greatest individual he can become. He will leave everything that is loved by him and comfortable to him behind him as he lives this new life.
Book One
Wembley Tewkes And The Edges of Time
(formerly titled: Imperfections on the Edge)

by C. Michael Perry
Did you ever have a recurring dream only to wake up one day and find it was NOT a dream?
Wembley Tewkes was born 14. At least to those around him in Yarmouth, Maine, it had always seemed like he could do everything he did now. He raised lambs that won the 4H every year. He was good in all his schoolwork, especially history. He was an Eagle Scout, volunteered at the library one day each week after school, was a championship swimmer, and a crackerjack tennis player. Wembley could do anything he set his mind to…
… except talk to girls. He had known Brindi Williams since they were little. They grew up playing together, and then came — awkwardness. It just happened; he began acting strange around her. Wembley, strange? Well, he thought so. His friendship seemed to want to demand more from her, and it flummoxed him.
Then there were these wild and crazy dreams he was having: travels through time and space that changed and shifted rapidly. They had started up within the last year. That’s when he met, well, we will call her, Evie.
He was really uncomfortable around her. She knew things about him no stranger should, and then there was that… Magic stuff.
Now that I’ve told you all about him, you probably won’t want to read the book, “ Imperfections On the Edge,“ book 1 of the “Wembley Tewkes On The Edges Of Time” series.
But come to think of it, there’s a lot you don’t know about Wembley Tewkes; lots of things that Wembley doesn’t even know about himself.
- 6″ x 9″ (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
- 250 pages
- Black & White on Cream paper
- ISBN-13: 978-0615907253
- ISBN-10: 0615907253
- BISAC: Fiction / Fantasy / Epic
- LIST PRICE: $14.95
Buy the Internet Special through PayPal ($13.99 + $3.99 s&h + Maine sales tax of 5.5%) Click on the Add To Cart button below: (Please be sure to fill in the zipcode box to enable and calculate the shipping charges.)
Available NOW— the KINDLE edition for $6.99 HERE
Flashes and Shadows: The Tale That Shattered Summerville
A Coming-of-Age Mystery for Young Adults and their families.
Who fired the shot that launched the investigation in Summerville?
Thirteen-year-old Cade Watters, and his family and friends are being pursued, shot at, wounded. Why? Are the shots just warnings? Or are some people marked for death? Others in and out of the circle of friends and family are already dead. What is it that pursues them? From out of who’s past is the danger coming that threatens to engulf or destroy them all?
Who has been tainted, and who hasn’t?
This is a tale of exploitation, intrigue, murder, drugs, and a internationally sponsored secret society that creeps its way right into our own back yards.
This is a must-read book about one of the most dangerous practices that face not only the youth of the last century, but the youth of today!
Reading Level: Grades 7+ (Ages 12-13 and up)
- 5″ x 8″ (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
- 134 pages
- Black & White on Cream paper
- ISBN-13: 978-0692348628
ISBN-10: 069234862X - BISAC: Juvenile Fiction / Mysteries, Espionage, & Detective Stories
- List Price: $8.99
- File Size: 241 KB
- Publisher: Leicester Bay Books; 1st edition (February 17, 2016)
- Publication Date: February 17, 2016
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
- Kindle List Price: $4.99
- Purchase a PAPERBACK PRINT version for $7.99 (+ shipping and handling and Maine Sales Tax) through us by using our PayPal Shopping Cart and the “Add To Cart” button below. (Be sure to enter your zip code when prompted to enable the correct shipping charges so you get your book(s) in a timely manner.)
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