Onstage! — A Musical for Teen Actors

Onstage Book by Nancy Zelenak Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry Sixteen students have been invited to a week-long audition for a summer production at the Professional Actors School…[...]
Onstage Book by Nancy Zelenak Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry Sixteen students have been invited to a week-long audition for a summer production at the Professional Actors School…[...]
Rumpelstiltskin Book and Lyrics by Mimi Bean Music by C. Michael Perry A fast moving Family musical that tells the wonderful story of Rumplestiltskin. During a May Festival, somewhere centuries…[...]
A Christmas Memory Book by Jason Anderson and students of Pleasant Grove High School Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry Additional Lyrics by Kristi Shaw It is Christmas time.…[...]
The Apple Kingdom Book and Lyrics by Carol Lynn Pearson Music by C. Michael Perry The people in the Apple Kingdom live on apples: apple soup, apple salad and, of…[...]
Anne With An ‘e’: The Green Gables Musical (with Neil K. Newell) Main roles for 4 m, 8 w, 3 g also numerous children and adults as extras. “Anne of Green…[...]
CHRISTMAS DREAMS Editing, Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry A warm and wonderful collection of original stories improvised and written by the student members of Thespian Troupe 943 of…[...]
THE ADVENTURES OF HUCK FINN A whirlwind tour through the Twain Novel Adapted by R. Rex Stephenson Music by John Cohn and C. Michael Perry Lyrics by R. Rex Stephenson,…[...]
TURN THE GAS BACK ON A Madcap Musical by Max C. Golightly, C. Michael Perry and Neil K. Newell It’s a zany show about a director and a troupe of…[...]
SCARLET PIMPERNEL Book and Lyrics by Will Huddleston Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry Original Concept and Lyrics by Barry Collyer Sir Percy Blakeney, The Scarlet Pimpernel, is the…[...]
LITTLE MEN -- The Musical Based on the sequel to Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women" Book, Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry Jo and Professor Baher are set up…[...]