The Ballad of Parley P! • The Life and Times of Parley P. Pratt • A New Musical

Book and Lyrics by Thom Duncan

Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry

Additional Lyrics based on the writings and poetry of Parley P. Pratt

A Storyteller brings us the tale of an amazing man who traveled the world as a Missionary, wrote over 50 hymns, and wrote the very first missionary tract. After conversion, all his adventures, missions, imprisonments, escapes, 12 wives and being a witness to the Guards at Richmond Jail suffering the rebuke by the Prophet Joseph, Parley P. Pratt dies as a martyr to the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, bearing his testimony, as he lay dying, to the man who killed him. This is a funny, sobering, powerful tribute to a great Saint and an undying testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

SELECTED SONG SAMPLES: from the Finale Music Notation Files

Published by Zion Theatricals